CDN is required to provide or arrange for the provision of covered dental care services in a timely manner appropriate for the nature of the enrollee’s condition, consistent with good professional practice.  CDN ensures that enrollees are able to access clinically appropriate care in a timely manner.  Urgent appointments within the CDN contracted provider network are available within 72 hours of the time of request for appointment, when consistent with the enrollee’s individual needs and as required by professionally recognized standards of dental practice.  Non-urgent (routine) appointments are available within 36 business days of the request for appointment.  Preventive dental care appointments are available within 40 business days of the request for appointment.  CDN network providers are required to employ an answering service or a telephone answering machine during nonbusiness hours, that provides instructions regarding how a member may obtain urgent or emergency care.  The instructions must include, if applicable, how to contact another provider who has agreed to be on call to triage or screen by phone, or if needed, deliver urgent or emergency care. 

Interpretation services are available to members at all points of contact, including when a member is accompanied by a family member or friend who can provide interpretation services, at no cost to the member. To arrange for interpreter services at your dental appointment or other point of contact please contact the CDN member services department.